Investment Process
Peck Wealth Management adheres to a balanced approach to investing. Client portfolios are structured to achieve long-term growth with emphasis on risk management. We believe that one of the most important responsibilities in growing wealth is protecting it.
We are mindful of portfolio theory, valuation discipline and the benefit of diversification. We optimize returns and control risk by creating and managing well-diversified portfolios and investing in different types of assets throughout the world. We believe the primary purpose of diversification is to limit downside, and shorten time to recovery following a decline in markets. However, we are cognizant of the fact that during extreme periods of stress such as the 2008 financial crisis, even the more stable asset classes fall in value. Therefore, we emphasize those investments that produce steady income to help protect portfolio values.
Peck Wealth Management's research process follows a checklist that includes:
Macroeconomic analysis
A well-diversified portfolio can be improved by applying sound global economic analysis. While an economic cycle encompasses many patterns, the sensitivity to the four main stages (expansion, peak, contraction, trough) can vary widely depending on the type of investment. Various asset classes and industries perform differently over the course of a full economic cycle. Therefore, anticipating cyclical transitions such as trough to recovery, and making changes to and within the asset classes can improve investment performance. PWM refers to this step in the investment process as “tweaking around the edges.”
Big Ideas
Peck Wealth Management applies the conclusions from macroeconomic analysis to identifying global drivers of growth. We seek to identify the “Big ideas” that are likely to be future trend setting phenomena. Such trends can generate positive returns even during weak periods in the economic cycle. Examples include quickly developing emerging markets, technology advancements and even old economy industries that are becoming more competitive. Big ideas often share common threads such as product/service innovation, promising new markets and expanding profit margins.