Portfolio Construction
Peck Wealth Managements investment discipline is balanced across global equity and fixed income asset classes. We also include hybrid investments or securities that have components of both equity and fixed income characteristics. We concentrate on:
Stable dividend records
Consistently growing dividends
Multinational industry leaders
Young leading edge companies
Strong balance sheets
Low cost production methods
Unique competitive advantages
Activities in global growth initiatives
Favorable demographics
Fixed Income & Hybrids
Corporate bonds
Municipal bonds
Government bonds
Sovereign bonds
Floating rate securities
Preferred Stocks
Master Limited Partnerships
Real Estate Investment Trusts
We invest in individual stocks and bonds, as well as specialized mutual funds and exchange traded funds. We seek the most cost effective mix of investments to achieve our well-defined strategy. Understanding the unique components of each investment and how they relate to the holistic portfolio is the most critical part of our research process. In summary, PWM strives to achieve attractive absolute total returns for our Clients over the long term.